You are currently viewing OCEANS OF SLUMBER – teilen `The Waters Rising` Single und Video

OCEANS OF SLUMBER – teilen `The Waters Rising` Single und Video

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Das US Prog Metal Outfit OCEANS OF SLUMBER um Frontfrau Cammie Gilbert sendet das erste musikalische Lebenszeichen seit ihrem selbstbetiteltem 2020er Album. Der erste nagelneue Track trägt den Namen `The Waters Rising` und die Band kommentiert das Ganze so:

„The day has finally come. We’re so very proud to present the first single from our new record. The most encompassing and dynamic record we’ve ever made. We’re at a point of clarity in a conversation we’ve been having with ourselves for a very long time. Where do we go from here? What are we? And we’ve landed firmly on a conclusion. We’re an amalgamation of many stories and the southern drawl of the gulf coast of the USA. A new southern gothic.“
