Die finnischen Tradition und Moderne verbindenden Metaller OCEANHOARSE bleiben kreativ und produktiv, denn der neue Track, die groove-orientierte Metalhymne `Fading Neons`, ist nicht Teil des kürzlich veröffentlichten Debüts „Dead Reckoning“.
Die Band kommentiert den Track:
„Before the new album, we’ve wanted to release this gem from the archives that we recorded as a special bonus track during the Dead Reckoning sessions. ‚Fading Neons‘ was one of the first songs we wrote when we started the band – and it’s also proven to be one of the most popular ones, thanks to the Wreckfest soundtrack! We have played it on our shows frequently and it’s always been a blast – so we figured we should record the new, heavier live arrangement that we have developed over the last few years and make this new version rock even harder than the old one!“