You are currently viewing BLAZE OF PERDITION – `Młot, Miecz I Bat` (`Hammer, Sword and Whip`) zum Albumrelease

BLAZE OF PERDITION – `Młot, Miecz I Bat` (`Hammer, Sword and Whip`) zum Albumrelease

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Polens Black Metaller BLAZE OF PERDITION haben gestern ihr sechstes Album “Upharsin” veröffentlicht und dazu passend den Rasereitrack `Młot, Miecz I Bat` (`Hammer, Sword and Whip`) online gestellt.

Die Band schreibt zum neuen Output:

The album reflects on how humans tend to gravitate towards conflict and strife. How religions and politics as well as other aspects of our everyday life are tainted and driven by our lower instincts as we willingly refuse to learn from our own history, as we choose to ignore and neglect the shadow aspect of our psychic reality, which in turn takes us further and further in the everlasting cycle of violence. It’s probably the most realistic concept we’ve taken on, with noticeably less spiritual leanings and a much more grounded approach.“




Photo Credit: Justyna Kaminska