Du betrachtest gerade LUTHARO – Feiern `Bonded To The Blade´ Videopremiere

LUTHARO – Feiern `Bonded To The Blade´ Videopremiere

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Mit ihrer frischen Mischung aus Thrash-, Power- und Melodic Death Metal sowie ihrem aktuellen „Chasing Euphoria“ Dreher macht die kanadische Truppe LUTHARO Furore und stellt heute den Track `Bonded To The Blade´ im Liveclip vor. Die Aufnahmen dazu sind auf der 2024er Nordamerika Tour  mit STRIKER und SEVEN KINGDOMS entstanden. Bei uns geht es für die Band bald mit FROZEN CROWN auf deren “War Hearts“ Tour 2025.

Frontfrau Krista Shipperbottom erklärt:

“Fate always has a way of finding you and now so does our music! ‘Bonded To The Blade’ is ready to strike and is our final music video release from the “Chasing Euphoria” album cycle! You may even spot yourself rocking out in this one, so get pumped!”



Peer inside, what creeps beneath
Significant mystery
This ache you’re feeling, holds a key
This rope that pulls you tight
what’s on the other side?
A sense of purpose you were meant to find

But will it set you free?
Purge you of your misery
Stand in your power just for once
Hold tight and stand your ground
Instincts never let you down
It’s time to see what you’ll become

Walk the fire, walk the flames
On your path you will reign
What’s meant for you, forever yours to claim
Your fate may cut but with honesty you bleed
Know your truth and stay bonded to its blade

Silence now, so I can access
Feed my, subconscious
What binds my core I can never miss
There’s a gnawing in my soul
Something I’ll never let go
How can I define what’s not rational?

I trust what I can’t see
Intuition governs me
Release my power just for once
Surrender my old ways
To something that I can’t explain
It’s time to see what comes to aide

Walk the fire, walk the flames
On your path you will reign
What’s meant for you, forever yours to claim
Your fate may cut but with honesty you bleed
Know your truth and stay bonded to its blade

Forever yours to claim
Bring terror to your name
What’s yours will never pass
Your fate was built to last

Walk the fire, walk the flames
On your path you will reign
What’s meant for you forever yours to claim
Your fate may cut but with honesty you bleed
Know your truth and stay bonded to its blade

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