Du betrachtest gerade AVALAND – `To Be The King` mit Edguy & Eltharia Member

AVALAND – `To Be The King` mit Edguy & Eltharia Member

AVALANDs neue Single `To Be The King` fährt mit  Gastsänger Pierre Carabalona (Eltharia) und Gitarrist Jens Ludwig (Edguy) gleich zwei namhafte Gastmusiker auf. Das natürlich episch-symphonische Ergebnis entstammt dem hochgelobten zweiten Studioalbum „The Legend of the Storyteller„, das am Freitag erschienen ist.

AVALAND Mastermind Adrien G. Gzagg erklärt zum Album:

”This album, as the first one, is a journey, a trip out of our world, into the universe of Avaland. We enjoy seeing Avaland as a great saga, as a movie, or series. We feel like listening to Avaland is like watching Game Of Thrones, The Lord Of The Rings, or reading comics, it’s an escape from everyday life. For this album, we took a lot of inspiration from Game Of Thrones and Arthurian Myths. We love fantasy and mythologies and we also find ourselves having a great fascination for alchemy and esoterism. Time is also a great subject, it’s mystical… in fact, time will be at the center of this saga. This new opus is showing a heavier and darker atmosphere of Avaland’s theatrical universe. Are you ready to be part of “The Legend Of The Storyteller”

