You are currently viewing WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM – ’Primal Chasm (Gift of Fire)’ Video veröffentlicht

WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM – ’Primal Chasm (Gift of Fire)’ Video veröffentlicht

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Die ”rituelle” Black Metal Unit WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM bringt im August ihre neue Scheibe “Primordial Arcana” hervor. Zur Auskopplung ’Primal Chasm (Gift of Fire)’ haben sich die Herren ein Video gegönnt, das jetzt streamen.

Die Band sagr über den Track:

“’Primal Chasm (Gift of Fire)’ is an explosion of cosmic grandeur, a symphonic rendering of the hermetic maxim As above, so below. The lyrics are a dreamtime retelling of creation. The act of the universe creating itself comes from the same impulse—it all springs from the same source, the same union of fire and ice. It’s the interplay between polarized opposites, and it’s from their contradiction and chaos that life happens and music and the planets are created.”



Titelfoto: Dreaming God