You are currently viewing WATAIN – ‘We Remain‘ Track & Videopremiere

WATAIN – ‘We Remain‘ Track & Videopremiere

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„The Agony & Ecstasy of Watain“, das neue Album von WATAIN soll demnächst erscheinen und die Black Metal Institution schickt ihr Video zu ‘We Remain‘ voraus. Der Song repräsentiert nach ihren Aussagen the deepest shadow of the album.”

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„We Remain“ features noble guest contributions by none other than Farida Lemouchi (Ex- The Devil’s Blood, now in Molasses) and Gottfrid Åhman (Ex- In Solitude, now in PÅGÅ). A collaboration born out of a much treasured kinship. We encourage anyone who is not yet familiar with their work to check out masterpieces such as „Come, Reap“ and „Sister“.

Die Premiere des Videos startet um 18.00 unserer Zeit.
