Du betrachtest gerade WARFIELD –  Video für neue `Appetitive Aggression` Single veröffentlicht

WARFIELD – Video für neue `Appetitive Aggression` Single veröffentlicht

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Die deutschen Hard Thrasher WARFIELD veröffentlichen soeben ihren neuen Song `Appetitive Aggression`, der ziemlich gnadenlos und Old Schoolartig, den Ruhrpott-Thrash feiert. Wer also die alte Garde feiert, sollte beim WARFIELD Trio zumindest mal ein Ohr riskieren. Das Album „With The Old Breed“ kommt am 04. April heraus.

Die Band kommentiert ihren neuen Track so:

„This song is a terrifying glimpse into the human psyche in the heat of combat on the battlefield. From the protagonist’s perspective, we witness how all societal and moral laws are suspended, allowing pure instincts to take over. Mirroring the brutality of the music, one becomes increasingly caught up in a frenzy, culminating in the protagonist’s realization that he has never felt anything more real. A twisted inner transgression into the depths of the human soul.”




Cast off the veil of morality – profane wrath is guiding me

Deep-rooted in my chronical – I taste the essence of true life

Outrage and ruthlessness – inherently internalized

Animalistic need, instinctive surge – I thrive in predatory greed


Appetitive Aggression


Hidden beneath credulity – suppressed primitive propensity

Memoir composed in genetic code – without reward there is no act

Devote myself to the impulsive stream – labelled and stamped by society

Unfiltered lust, supremacy – Legally void human hunt


Appetitive Aggression




Pupils dilating, morphing initiated – voice of impulse, dictator of power

Animal sense, braindead revelation – blood-rush-vortex flooding every bound


Ingrained source pumping appetite – adrenalin-blitzkrieg raging in my veins

Circle of life, primal intention – finding myself in the realness of the kill


Realness of the kill!


Photo Credit: Salina Damer