Die US Thrash Metaller WARBRINGER bringen am kommenden Freitag ihren neuen Hassbatzen !Wrath And Ruin“ heraus, auf den sie bereits mit den beiden Kloppern `A Better World´ und `The Sword And The Cross´ aufmerksam gemacht hatten. Heute folgt die dritte Auskopplung `Through A Glass, Darkly´, die eher episch, düster, in Teilen beinahe melodisch und vielleicht auch ein wenig angeschwärzt daherkommt.
Die Band über Single und Video:
„Here’s the third single from „Wrath and Ruin,“ the epic „Through a Glass, Darkly.“ We chose this one as a single to showcase the range and breadth of this album, offering something totally different from the first two singles here. This one has an epic and dark, mystical quality to it, as well as a real fist-raising energy. The song is about an eternally reincarnating warrior, who recounts his struggles and pains across the battlefields of time. This is based on a poem by the WW2 general George Patton, and apparently the man truly believed himself to be the reincarnation of this eternal warrior. To me, this idea had a lot of power and resonance, and works as a powerful metaphor for the ongoing human struggle we all face. I also thought his poem had some really great lines, some of which are incorporated here. The track, penned by Carlos Cruz, was an attempt to get the epic feel we had on songs like „Defiance of Fate“ and „When the Guns Fell Silent“ into a shorter runtime package, a „pocket epic“ if you will. I particularly love the soulful solo by Adam Carroll here, and I think the end passage is one of the finest vocal moments on the record. Here’s a song to look at the sky to and stoically contemplate time and legacy… we hope you all enjoy „Through a Glass, Darkly“ and the rest of „Wrath and Ruin“.“