Ohios Thrasher WAR CURSE haben ihren neuen Track `Shadow Gods` auf bandcamp veröffentlicht um damit die Opfer des Unglück in East Palestine, Ohio zu unterstützen. Bei dem Zugunglück, Anfang Februar, brannten giftige Chemikalien für mehrere Tage, wurde ein ganze Stadt evakuiert, deren Einwohner noch heute wegen der verseuchten Umgebung nicht in ihre Häuser zurückkehren können.
Der Song wird wohl nicht auf dem kommenden, dritten Album von WAR CURSE vertreten sein und ist damit quasi Bandcamp exklusiv.
Guitarist Justin Roth erklärt:
„We wrote a ton of material for our upcoming album, a lot of which ended up on the cutting room floor. Shadow Gods is a fun, ripping thrasher that Blaine and I constructed in around 20 minutes, start to finish. We knew it didn’t match the vibe of the album but recorded it anyway, just for fun. It might have never seen the light of day, but the tragedy in East Palestine, Ohio, our home state, really struck a nerve. The lyrics to Shadow Gods felt like they were written about this very situation. Faceless organizations ‚gambling with consequence.‘ ‚Failing comes at your expense.‘ People are suffering right now, months later, because a soulless corporation prioritized appeasing stockholders over taking responsibility. Absolute scumbags.
We’re a small band from Ohio, but we’re here to do our part. All proceeds from Shadow Gods purchased through Bandcamp will be donated to a local 501c3 benefiting the impacted citizens of East Palestine, OH. „
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=4277319845 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false artwork=small]
Existing in the shadows
Alliances of the demigods
Gambling with consequence
Failing comes at your expense
Consolidation of power
Transference of supremacy
Punishing the dissenters
You don’t get to question me
No one knows the wiser
No one knows the names
No one sees the faces
No one takes the blame
So consumed by dominance
Intoxicating wealth
Feasting on the suffering
Of everybody else
Praise me as your savior
Fall before my feet
As I trample on you, thank me
For the very air you breathe
No one knows the wiser
No one knows the names
No one sees the faces
No one takes the blame
No one gets to question
The answers all the same
Comply or face annihilation
In the shadow gods’ domain
So high above the common man
In palaces, untouchable
Protected by the golden hand
Of impunity, unstoppable