VOLBEAT widmen dem 2021 verstorbenen Sänger Lars-Göran „LG“ Petrov ihr neues Musikvideo zum Track ‚Becoming‘ wie Frontmann Michael Poulsen genauer erklärt:
In wenigen Wochen beginnt auch die „Servant Of The Road Tour“ durch Europa, deren Termine ihr hier findet.
Every morning is a new day
Where we’re born again
And becoming the center of the bliss
Laughing at the past
The skin is shredded in the back
And becoming the pieces of a mask
And with the devil’s exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
Silence is the best
Reply to a fool, remember that
And you’re not falling
But just the better man
And with the devil’s exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
And with the devil’s exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher
And with the devil’s exit
Oh baby, the flames went higher and higher
Now finding peace and in Zen
And watching the flames go higher and higher