Du betrachtest gerade VIGILHUNTER – US Power Metal aus Italien: `Disconnected`

VIGILHUNTER – US Power Metal aus Italien: `Disconnected`

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Die Newcomer von VIGILHUNTER widmen sich dem 80er  US Heavy Metal mit  Pogeinschlg, der in der Nähe vonActs wie Crimson Glory angesiedelt ist.  Jetzt stellen die vier Italiener die erste Auskopplung ihres Debütalbums „Vigilhunter“ vor, das am 28. März  in die Läden kommt.



Limit their vision trap their mind

Allow them see only black and white

Brainwash them enslave them don’t let them ask the why

They’ll have no wish if you kill their desire


Building walls of ignorance to drown their consciousness

Alive without dreams in a state somnolence

Refute the reality chain them with lies

Lock down the border so nobody can hear their cry



The world where you live it’s based on a lie




The world where you live it’s based on a lie



The world where you live it’s based on a lie



(Turn off the awareness blind them with fear

There’s no way out from North Korea)