Du betrachtest gerade VELVET VIPER – Dramatic Metaller mit `Invisible Danger´ Track und Clip

VELVET VIPER – Dramatic Metaller mit `Invisible Danger´ Track und Clip

„Nothing Compares To Metal“ ist der Titel der neuen für den 21. Juli geplanten VELVET VIPER Scheibe. Und auch das Programm der ersten Single, die die deutsche Dramatic Melodic Metal Formation um ihre charismatische Sängerin Jutta Weinhold heute daraus präsentiert: `Invisible Danger´ samt packendem Videoclip.




Can you see the rainbow sign
There is fire
Can you feel the heat inside
It’s burning, burning

Trash is always growing so fast
Need wings, you need wings
To keep your head free to breathe
What it brings is bad things

Oh, take care
Beware of the things you cannot see

Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you cannot see
Beware of the invisible danger
None but ourselves can set us free
Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you can not see
Beware of the invisible danger

No one should end any life
Some do ‘cause
No one should make kids cry
But hate does
Lyrics are the reason for music
Drama is the reason for both

Oh, take care
Beware of the things you cannot see

Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you cannot see
Beware of the invisible danger
None but ourselves can set us free
Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you can not see
Beware of the invisible danger

Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you cannot see
Beware of the invisible danger
None but ourselves can set us free
Beware of the invisible danger
Beware of the things you can not see
Beware of the invisible danger

Take care of hate
Guns are already there