You are currently viewing UNBLESSED DIVINE – OSDM meets Industrial: `Book Of Lies` zur Albumankündigung

UNBLESSED DIVINE – OSDM meets Industrial: `Book Of Lies` zur Albumankündigung

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Die Polnisch-Südafrikanische Death Metal Brut UNBLESSED DIVINE veröffentlicht heute mit `Book Of Lies` den Opener, ihres am 18. August erscheinenden Langeisens “Portal To Darkness“ als Video. Darauf vermischt das Trio den Hauptbestandteil Old School Death mit einigen passenden und dezenten elektronischen Industrial Elementen.

Lee Wollenschlaeger (Vocals, Gitarre, Bass) erklärt:

„The title pretty much sums up what the song is about. But if you go deeper it’s about the horrible nature of how morality is taught in the „holy“ bible. As a Satanist myself, and the majority of Satanists see all the disgusting teachings in this horrible book. Slavery is taught as a good thing. It even describes to you how to enslave them. Homosexuality is taught as a sin, where it is not the person’s choice to be gay. They were born that way. I can go on and on but to sum it up, it is a terrible book that should have an age restriction on it.“





  1. Book Of Lies
  2. Replace The Light
  3. The Dark Supremacy
  4. Blacken The Soul
  5. God Of Darkness
  6. The Exalted One
  7. I Feed
  8. The Glorious Flames