You are currently viewing TWILIGHT FORCE – Epic Power Metaller verpixeln `Sunlight Knight` Video

TWILIGHT FORCE – Epic Power Metaller verpixeln `Sunlight Knight` Video

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Pixelart ist in, zumindest auf dem NFT Markt. Bei Musikvideos ist es aber eher eine Seltenheit. Dennoch veröffentlicht die schwedische “Adventure“ Epic Power Metal Band TWILIGHT FORCE ihre neue Single `Sunlight Knight` als Pixelvideo. Der Song stammt vom “At the Heart of Wintervale” Album ,das am 20. Januar veröffentlicht wird.

 TWILIGHT FORCE kommentieren den Song so:
„Knights! It is dangerous to go alone! 
Are you prepared to venture into the unknown together!? 
Our second single from At the Heart of Wintervale is finally unleashed upon the mortal realms: ‚Sunlight Knight‘
This is the tale of a valiant knight seeking fortune and triumph throughout the kingdom of Aloria. One day he happens upon a village hidden deep in the woods, where all light has been consumed and usurped by an ancient eldritch daemon. Our brave knight must hence journey into the daemon’s mystic realm to unbind the light, and free the villagers from the shackles of eternal darkness. Alas, the daemon appears indomitable at first. Our hero must set out again, to seek further skills and develop additional powers in order to return for the final battle… So, sharpen your swords, and witness the story as it unfolds in this sparkling nostalgic visualisation. The magnificent art and video created by KillingArtworks.“

