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THEM – Thrash/Heavy/Power Metal in der ‚Encore‘ Audiopremiere

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Die deutsch-amerikanische Thrash/Heavy/Power Metalband präsentiert die erste Single ‚Encore‘ aus ihrem neuen Studioalbum, das für den Herbst 2022 geplant ist.



Lost, I am lost for my words, (for my words)

The Crimson Corpse, he had won, (he had won)

A prophet spoken, his vows were broken, a huge explosion

Cross, no more bearing the cross, (bear the cross)

A new day rings in, a new day brings in, the sun is rising


Eyes that shed no reflection, his remains buried down below

Repeat his only instruction, don’t forget your bloodline!


Fate, he embraced his true fate, (his true fate)

Battled until the end (‚til the end)

A soul is taken, was forsaken, will he waken

Disgraced, disregarded, disgraced, (he’s disgraced)

A new day rings in, a new day brings in, the sun is rising


Eyes that shed no reflection, his remains buried down below

Repeat his only instruction, don’t forget your bloodline!

ONCE SCOURNED, will he always be ashamed? ENCORE!

ONE BOURN, will he always be to blame? ENCORE!

ONCE SAVED, will he ever be the same? ENCORE!

ONE GRAVE, will he ever rise again? ENCORE!


Death is so far, far behind us

It won’t be long ‚til the next in line


Eyes that shed no reflection, his remains buried down below

Repeat his only instruction, don’t forget your bloodline!

ONCE SCOURNED, will he always be ashamed? ENCORE!

ONE BOURN, will he always be to blame? ENCORE!

ONCE SAVED, will he ever be the same? ENCORE!

ONE GRAVE, will he ever rise again? ENCORE!


Death is so far, far behind us

It won’t be long ‚til the next in line

Those who fall redefines us

Their plot is full, the bell has rung!