Du betrachtest gerade THE QUIREBOYS  – Gitarrist GUY BAILEY ist tot

THE QUIREBOYS – Gitarrist GUY BAILEY ist tot

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Jonathan Gray, besser bekannt als Spike, Gründungsmitglied, jahrelanger Sänger und Aushängeschild von THE QUIREBOYS  vermeldet den Tod seines Gitarristen GUY BAILEY, der am 06. April im Krankenhaus gestorben ist. Weiter Umstände sind nicht bekannt. GUY hatte zuletzt noch mit Spike , Chris Johnstone, Nigel Mogg und Rudy Richman für die Spike Version der QUIREBOYS an neuem Material gearbeitet, das noch in diesem Jahr veröffentlicht werden soll.

Spikes Statement auf facebook liest sich wie folgt:

„I’m heartbroken to have to write this.

My best friend Guy Bailey passed away peacefully in hospital last night in the arms of his beloved Bianca.

Guy was the kindest, funniest man you could have the pleasure of being around. He was loved by everyone who he ever worked with, all the bands he ever toured with and all the Quireboys fans he ever met. He certainly loved you all more than you will ever know.

I have so much I would like to share and say to everyone about him but this is just such a hard time for me and everyone close to him. I hope you all understand.

But for the Quireboys fans out there I would just like to say, me and Guy Bailey have written the songs for a new album, and me and Chris Johnstone, Nigel Mogg and Rudy Richman will fulfill his wishes that these songs are recorded and a new Quireboys album will be released this year.

So everyone raise a glass for Guy Bailey and lets keep rock ’n‘ roll alive for him.

I love you mate.

I know you’re having a drink with our dads now and looking down and watching us bubble.

Your best mate Spikey xx