Du betrachtest gerade THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA – `Way To Spend The Night` von „Give Us The Moon“

THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA – `Way To Spend The Night` von „Give Us The Moon“

  • Beitrags-Autor:

THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA, das Schwedische Cinematic Hard Rock Outfit mit Hang zum seltsamen Auftreten, veröffentlicht ihr Video zur  Nummer `Way To Spend The Night` vom „Give Us The Moon“ Longplayer, den die Kabinencrew am 31. Januar herausbringt.

Die Band schreibt:

“’Way To Spend The Night’ shows you the absolute electric connection we have as a band, both as musicians and people. This band that we have in common, brings out the very best of each member and make them deliver beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. That is something we really treasure and this song proves it – both musically and visually. The footage was all captured in the glistening autumnal side of summer, one night on town in the heart of Stockholm. Please enjoy!”


THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA sind im Februar auf „Give Us The Moon“ Tour bei uns.
