Du betrachtest gerade THE FERRYMEN – Karlsson, Romero, Terrana Supergoup teilt `Above It All`

THE FERRYMEN – Karlsson, Romero, Terrana Supergoup teilt `Above It All`

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Pünktlich zum heutigen Releaseday des neuen “Iron Will” Albums teilen THE FERRYMEN, also Magnus Karlsson, Ronnie Romero und Mike Terrana, ihren neuen gemeinsamen Track  `Above It All`, der irgendwo in der Schnittmenge von Hard Rock und Metal anzusiedeln ist. THE FERRYMEN haben damit ihr viertes Studioalbum seit 2017 an den Start gebracht.





A million lightyears away’s a place I thought I knew, and once, called home

Mother Earth lies peaceful seemingly


Far above the Hell of the war torn free

what’s the cost that you consider,  freedom to be?


Above it all, see it slipping by

Turning to endless night

With clarity, her destiny

constellations fire, burning up the sky

Is it all worth the Fight?

lay down their arms, and see the light


Always Bending to the will, of cruel and selfish, forced humanity

A fearsome song’s dark melody


Far above the Hell of the war torn free

And Is this the way that all things were meant to be?


Above it all, see it slipping by

Turning to endless night

With clarity, her destiny

constellations fire, burning up the sky

Is it all worth the Fight?

lay down their arms, and see the light


Far above the Hell of the war torn free

And Is this the way that all things were meant to be?


Above it all, see it slipping by

Turning to endless night

With clarity, her destiny

constellations fire, burning up the sky

Is it all worth the Fight?

lay down their arms, and see the light