Die Death-Thrash Kombi THE ABSENCE bringt den Titeltrack und damit die zweite Single vom kommenden “ Coffinized“ Longplayer raus, dessen Veröffentlichung am 25. Juni ansteht.
Vokalist Jamie Stewart über den Titel:
“We have all been Coffinized at one point or another – confined by a distant, funerary outlook; trapped in a dark, shrinking bubble. As one awaits a lingering exhale, it calls out – a seeping, miserable existence, disguised. Such horrors, hidden in debased, mental escape. You wrap yourself in it as it follows you down, further and further, engulfed by your own disgust and inability; it’s suffocating gaze collapsing in, embalming into your being. You become a living casket for all of your own bitter frustrations – nailed in and buried alive.“