Du betrachtest gerade SWALLOW THE SUN – Melancholic Outfit stellt `MelancHoly` (Holy Edit) vor

SWALLOW THE SUN – Melancholic Outfit stellt `MelancHoly` (Holy Edit) vor

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Als  Doom und Death Band werden die finnischen Melancholic Metaller üblicherweise gehandelt, da ist die mittlerweile fortgeschrittene Weiterentwicklung an der melodischen und vollständig clean gesungenen Nummer `MelancHoly` (Holy Edit) schon seht stark ablesbar. Der Frische “Holy Edit” gehört zur “Shining Dark Deluxe” Scheibe, die am 11. April, die Die Hard Fans begeistern soll.

Wer mehr über die Band und ihre aktuelles Album “Shining“ erfahren möchte, liest am besten einfach unser SWALLOW THE SUN Interview.




Beneath these burning tracks

The Earth below

The Moon above

They breathe cold fire


Began to feel these cracks

Crumble the core

Hate and adore

My blind Empire


The saints, I’m serving black

This broken mission

My true religion

Fuel in this pyre


MelancHoly, Melancholia

Will you wash my sins away?

Melancholia, Melancholia

All these days are here to stay

MelancHoly, Melancholia

Will you chase the sun away?

My melancholia

Need you to stay


Eyes keep staring back

From the Earth below

The Moon above

I am that fire


That keep the pain intact

Cut my self to heal

Till I start to feel

Closer to my God


MelancHoly, Melancholia

Will you wash my sins away?

Melancholia, Melancholia

All these days are here to stay



Crumble the core

Hate and adore

From birth to earth

Love became

Destroyer of worlds


MelancHoly, Melancholia

Will you wash my sins away?

Melancholia, Melancholia

All these days are here to stay


Will you stay?


Photo Credit: Jussi Ratilainen