Die kalifornischen Extreme Metaller SUICIDE SILENCE hauen am 10. März ihr neues Album „Remember… You Must Die“ raus und präsentieren heute einen brutal-amüsanten Videoclip zum Track `Alter Of Self´.
Die Videopremiere geht um 18:00 Uhr CET los.
Gitarrist Mark Heylmun kommt ins Plaudern:
„´Alter Of Self´, musically, is a step in a much more melodic direction than the tracks we´ve released as of late. It´s speaking a much different language, but still has all the bone-shattering groove and breakdowns you´d expect from us. Lyrically, the song isn´t difficult to interpret. It´s about doing such a large dose if mind-altering substance or substances that you begin to worship yourself as god. Tune in and drop out on this one.”