You are currently viewing SPACE CHASER – ‘Remnants of Technology’ mit High Quality Sci-Fi Video

SPACE CHASER – ‘Remnants of Technology’ mit High Quality Sci-Fi Video

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Zum zehnjährigen Bestehen der Thrasher von SPACE CHASER erscheint nicht nur das dritte Album “Give Us Life“am 16. Juli, sondern zuvor noch ein mächtig aufwendiges Video in bester Star Wars bzw. Science Fiction Film Manier zum Song ‘Remnants of Technology’.

Die Band kommentiert ihren “Kurzfilm”:

“For our first sign of life on Metal Blade Records, we wanted to make the best music video we could possibly make. And with a lot of hard work and even more luck, we got something far greater than we could have ever dreamed of. We had this idea for a video lying around for years, but never were able to put it to film. Until now.
We had a crew of 60 people working for us. Somehow word got around in the Berlin film scene, and almost everyone was on fire, and wanted to be a part of it. 50 Costumes, 4 make-up artists, 30 extras, a team of directors, camera operators, professional lightning – you name it, we had it. Two teams of set-builders worked tirelessly for a week together with the band. We built an entire bar in some humid, freezing cold basement for a total of 3 days and nights of shooting.
The concept was planned for months, an entire week of preparation and two days of assembling everything. Everybody pulled their weight and helped make our little space short. Lucas Fiederling of Peregrine Films didn’t sleep for two months straight.
The result looks like a Michael Jackson video. If he was a thrasher. From Berlin. Watch The Skies.”

