Du betrachtest gerade SICKSENSE  – Vicky Psarakis & Robby J. Fonts teilen `Follow Me` Video

SICKSENSE – Vicky Psarakis & Robby J. Fonts teilen `Follow Me` Video

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SICKSENSE, die Modern Metal Truppe um Vicky Psarakis und Robby J. Fonts, haben die Veröffentlichung ihres “Cross Me Twice“ Debüteisens auf den 28. März verschoben und schicken noch eine Vorabsingle voraus. Wie immer sind auch Rap Anteile im ansonsten agressiven Metal Track vorhanden. Traditionalisten können sich fernhalten, für alle andren, here you are:




Cross me once

How self-serving of you

Cross me twice

How pathetic of me

Cross me thrice

And you expect me to show?

Why won’t you listen?


Look, I know I haven’t been the best

That I could have been

Would have been

Should have been the one to rely on

But I give it my all

Every second, every minute, every hour

On this hill that I’ll die on

And I want y’all to know this

Before I’m gone

And they shower me with roses

Imma keep on giving them everything

And anything staying swinging

Aiming for your domes in the bleachers


You made your choice, I live with mine

I forge a path that is my own

Where I stand, you can’t follow

Where I stand, you can’t follow


Some day you’ll follow me

When our dreams no longer bridge the distance

Some day you’ll follow me

If you don’t show, what’s the difference?


Oh, so it’s like that now, eh?

Once upon a time

We was tight back in the day

Too stubborn to listen

Always having to have the last say

So I speak for the truth

Can’t stand hearing it

So you sit down

Drive off

Hands on the wheel

You’re the one who’s steering it

Find your own path

Wrong way, dead end

Losing control

Now you’re off course



I made my choice, you live with yours

You forged a path that is your own

Where you stand, I can’t follow

Where I stand, you can’t follow


Some day you’ll follow me

When our dreams no longer bridge the distance

Some day you’ll follow me

If you don’t show what’s the difference?


I can’t take it anymore

No longer keeping the score


I’m tired of giving

You’re taking, you’re taking

And all that it’s doing

I’m feeling irate

Ignore what I love

Toss away who I am

You’re dragging me down

Is this part of your plan?


You made your choice, I live with mine

I forge a path that is my own

Where I stand, you can’t follow

Where I stand, you can’t follow


Some day you’ll follow me

When our dreams no longer bridge the distance

Some day you’ll follow me

If you don’t show what’s the difference?


Some day you’ll follow me

Some day you’ll follow me


Some day you’ll follow me

Some day you’ll follow me