Du betrachtest gerade SHAKRA – überraschen mit `Invincible´ Single und Video

SHAKRA – überraschen mit `Invincible´ Single und Video

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Wie schon mit dem Song `The Way It Is` veröffentlichen die Schweizer Hardrocker SHAKRA mit `Invincible´ eine weitere Single samt Video, ohne einen „Mad World“ Nachfolger offiziell angekündigt zu haben. Doch auch ein neues Album scheint in der Mache zu sein, genauere Infos stehen aber noch aus.



You’ve lost all sensation

Been left out in the rain

No imagination

And you feel hit again


But when you start believing

Don’t sink in darkness again

And all your worries are leaving

And you can break the chain


Set yourself free, there is so much to see


You are invincible

You are invincible

It happens in your brain

It happens in your brain


No one imagines

What is deep down inside

Hold on to your passions

And lay your doubts aside


Satisfy your desires

Which were always denied

Just like a phoenix from fire

On your face there is pride


Set your mind free, there is so much to be


You are invincible

You are invincible

It happens in your brain

It happens in your brain


You are invincible

You are invincible

It’s running through your veins

Rise up, defeat your pains