Von ihrer neuen Scheibe „Death Devil Magick“, die wir ab dem 20. September beim Händler unseres Vertrauens erwarten dürfen, koppeln die deutschen Black Metaller den ziemlich melodischen Track `Litany´ aus.
Like a horse
Which tramples its foes
Like a tree
Which let its roots grow
I surrender
To grand the gift of sleep
The love for nothingness
Quiet, numb
No words, no will
A mind
Once so strong yet so weak
You, who lived in hearts
Blessed us, so we could be brave
Take, reign, fail
Joy, love, oppose
Twisted thoughts
Give, live, die
Like spring
Which let all life rise again
Like wings
Which give shelter in storm and rain
Like stars
Shining in pitch black night
Guiding the way
To eternal peace
Source of all life
Joy, love, oppose
Twisted thoughts
Give, live, die
Transfiguration, for I will be none
Death, I become
You, who is whole
I greet you
With greatest joy
You, who reigns
A kingdom of all
I dare to walk your path
A seed of I
Coming home to god