You are currently viewing SCARLET AURA – Schicken `Glimpse in the Mirror` Video

SCARLET AURA – Schicken `Glimpse in the Mirror` Video

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Zum Release ihres Dopple Akkustikalbums “Under My Skin“ bringt die rumänische Heavy Metal und Hard Rock Truppe ein Video zum Song `Glimpse in the Mirror` heraus, das potenziellen Käufer die auf die entspannteren Akustikversionen einstimmt.

Die Band schickt folgende Message zum Video:

“`Glimpse in The Mirror` is a song that depicts in a very sensible way our own questions regarding life, relationships and regarding ourselves. The question of “who am I truly to myself and to others?” is the theme of this piece of art and now played acoustically it can only give you a deeper sense of this forever search. We hope you’ll find yourself in the mirroring of our song and lyrics and bring you the peace in understanding that You Are Not Alone!“
