Der dänische Songwriter, Hardrocker und Pretty Maids-Frontmann RONNY ATKINS hat für den 18. März 2022 den Release seines nächsten Studioalbums „Make It Count“ angekündigt.
Atkins erklärt:
„Me and my great team of musicians followed exactly the same procedure as we did with „One Shot,“ since I still feel a bit like I am racing against time because of my diagnosis. So, I basically sent my songs to Chris [Laney, producer], who would then work on a demo. When we were satisfied with the arrangements, I would then record the vocals and then the individual musicians laid down their tracks. I already had quite a few ideas from when „One Shot“ was released back in March 2021 and continued writing on and off through the spring and summer of 2021. The album was then recorded between April and October 2021.
„Let me also state that I felt pretty good during the whole process, at least physically. And this time, I had the chance to actually meet with some of the musicians in-person because the Covid-19 restrictions were not as tough as they were back in 2020 when we recorded the last album“
Und er fügt hinzu:

„The lyrics are always the hardest part of an album from my perspective!! It’s way easier for me to write a song than a lyric, to be honest. But of course it varies. Sometimes you already have the title and the topic when you’re writing the song and at other times you’re just out of ideas. This time, it was tough at times since my health issues are somehow in my subconsciousness 24/7. No matter what I do, I’m being confronted with it everyday one way or the other. So, some of the songs are touching on this issue of course, can’t help it. That said, I’m also trying to give it a positive twist, meaning that we just have to get the best out of life and love the one we’re with while we’re here. It’s just impossible to write about sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll or whatever living with a life threatening disease and a dagger hangin‘ above your head!!! Or it is for me, at least! So, bottom line, I guess the lyrical content on this album is partly about the aforementioned topics, the climate, and in general, topics that make sense to everyone without being political.“