You are currently viewing RONNIE ATKINS (PRETTY MAIDS) -erstes Video ”Real”


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”One Shot“ wird das erste Soloalbum vom PRETTY MAIDS Sänger RONNIE ATKINS heißen, das im März 2021 beröffentlicht werden soll.

Der schwer an Krebs erkrankte Sänge erklärt zum Album in seiner besonderen Situation:

„To be honest, I initially had no intention to do a solo album to begin with, but for various reasons and in particularly my own personal health situation I finally decided to have a crack at it … Musically and lyrically this album has been a different process for me, considering everything going on. Musically, it could have gone in various directions. It’s always a question of what you want it to be. A good song is a good song, so it’s really a matter of how it is packaged. But I decided to make it appeal to the fans, the supporters who’ve been following me for almost 40 years, so this is basically a melodic rock album with a heavy twist. Lyrically, it also has a different approach. I found it hard to write about sex, drugs, and rock’n’roll, etc. due to the situation I’m wrapped up in, so I guess it turned out a bit more personal and maybe melancholic at times. But it reflects my thoughts at the given time these lyrics were written,“


Foto: Sven Bernhardt