You are currently viewing RIVAL SONS – `Mercy´ Videosingle vom „Lightbringer“ Album vorgestellt

RIVAL SONS – `Mercy´ Videosingle vom „Lightbringer“ Album vorgestellt

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Die neue RIVAL SONS Platte „Lightbringer“ erscheint am 20. Oktober, nachdem die zweifach GRAMMY-nominierten Hardrocker dieses Jahr bereits das Schwester-Album „Darkfighter“ veröffentlichten. Die nächste und letzte Single vor dem Release trägt den Titel `Mercy´ und kommt samt Clip daher.

Sänger Jay Buchanan über `Mercy´:

„You know that anger moves like electricity. It’s so conductive, the way trauma moves from person to person. Anger moves like electricity in a similar way, once it gets inside you it immediately seeks transmission to latch onto someone or something else. The verses have this cyclical friction to them and it brought this to mind; inherited trauma and its vicious, silent grip. Breaking these cycles begins with recognition and I wanted to sing about that. Try a little mercy, mercy never lets you down.”

Gitarrist Scott Holiday ergänzt:

“It’s time to reveal yet another track (the last before release day!) from Lightbringer! This round, we are sharing the song entitled: “Mercy.” A song that deals with internal struggle and trying to connect with our ‘higher’ selves… to turn that energy within the struggle into something better. Musically this was a song I started very early in the writing process… Working with a similar tone that I used on the track “Mirrors” from Darkfighter. Yet, we didn’t complete this song until the end of recording all the others. Like so many of the riffs I write, I hear the drums / groove immediately, and it’s equally important / integral to the riff. Miley delivers a pretty deadly and infectious groove to accompany my guitar. One of the coolest drum / riff moments of both records in my opinion. I love the minimalism Jay attacks the song with. Really drives the message home for me. Also an inspired guitar solo, which I cut at home in my own studio. Please enjoy “Mercy.”



1. Darkfighter
2. Mercy
3. Redemption
4. Sweet Life
5. Before The Fire
6. Mosaic

Photo Credit: Patrik Skogloew