You are currently viewing REVOCATION – Derber Death und Prog vereint in `Diabolical Majesty`

REVOCATION – Derber Death und Prog vereint in `Diabolical Majesty`

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Das Bostoner Trio REVOCATION mag seinen Death Metal komplex und mit progressiven Elementen versehen aber dennoch derber als zuvor. Den neuen Track , der auch auf ihrem nächsten, dem siebten Langeisen “Netherheaven“ wiederfindet, könnt ihr heute schon hören bzw. als Video sehen.

Songwriter und Frontman Dave Davidson berichtet:

We’re definitely in more of a death metal mindset than on earlier albums in our catalog. We’re focusing on how we can write the best death metal-centric album that we possibly can while still pushing our boundaries. The new songs on Netherheaven are evil and sinister but also have a progressive element to them to keep things interesting. It’s got our stamp on it, no question.“

Auf dem Album findet ihr dann auch Gastvocals von Trevor Strnad, dem im Mai verstorbenen Sänger von The Black Dahlia Murder und auch Cannibal Corpse Röhre George ‚Corpsegrinder‘ Fisher.

We’re leaning into really dark themes on Netherheaven,“ Davidson says. „This is our crack at Satanic, diabolical death metal. Each track is a great representation of the album as a whole. ‚Diabolical Majesty‘ is a ripper of a song-classic, in-your-face death metal. It’s got an energetic chorus, a groove laden bridge, and the solo showcases our progressive side . It’s a great opening song, I think. ‚Godforsaken‘ is more of a mid tempo bruiser. It’s got a Dying Fetus vibe with its slammy verse riff, but the bridge takes a left turn into this epic, looping melody that’s quite hypnotic and haunting. Sort of reminds me of something off of …And Justice for All with the dual harmonized leads that swell right before the band kicks in. „Re-Crucified“ is another banger that doesn’t let up! We got Trevor and ‚Corpsegrinder‘ to sing on that track, and they’re just incredible.“
