You are currently viewing RAGEFUL –  Lassen die Death Metal Sau raus im ‘Feed The Pigs’ Video

RAGEFUL – Lassen die Death Metal Sau raus im ‘Feed The Pigs’ Video

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Death, mit Hang zum Grind und Thrash-lastigen Parts bieten uns RAGEFUL aus Portugal an. Ihr Debüt “Ineptitude‘ ist zwar schon seit letztem Jahr erhältlich aber der breiten Masse an Death Metal Anhängern wohl noch unbekannt. Der Clip ‘Feed the Pigs‘ soll dieses nun ändern. Wer das „Gegrunze“ auch verstehen will, findet unten die Lyrics.



Feed the pigs and pay your taxes

Another bank is getting rescued

Wake up to another day

Smile for this injection


Feed them more

Feed them more

Watch the millions flying out

This is thievery in front of you

Feed Feed Feed

And Feed them more.


Feed them more

Feed them more

Feed them more

Feed them more


Yesterday a young man had a heart attack

He was taken to the hospital but there were no doctors

They were on strike

And now he is dead


Feed them more

Feed them more

Feed them more