You are currently viewing PREY FOR NOTHING – Israelischer Death Metal mit Message: `The Sword Devours`

PREY FOR NOTHING – Israelischer Death Metal mit Message: `The Sword Devours`

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Israels Death Metaller mit Hang zu technischen Finessen einerseits und derben US Death Sounds, veröffentlichen ihren neue Track `The Sword Devours` als Lyricvideo. Dabei setzen sich PREY FOR NOTHING  kritisch mit der historischen Rolle Israels auseinander. Die Band erklärt den Track:

“The Sword Devours‘ is a song depicting the history of the Hebrew and Jewish people, but not in the warm light of tradition but the echoes of war and death. We, the Jewish people, like to think of ourselves as ‚People of the holy book‘, who abhor violence and promote peace since the days of Jacob and Josef – but this isn’t the entire picture. Our true history is filled with warfare and bloodshed, from ancient times to modern ones. The biblical phrase, „Shall the Sword Devours Forever?“ (Samuel 2, 2:26) is spoken by Abner before he was executed for treason against the house of King David. And it rings till this day. We cannot claim to strive for peace with implements of war. If we won’t stop the endless cycle of violence – no one will. And this is the lesson we, one of the oldest people in the world, can easily say we take many pains to learn for all nations out there. War is never the answer. Violence is never the answer. War will not bring peace. Don’t let those swords devour us all.

Mehr frisches Todesblei gibt es ab dem auf dem neuen Longplayer “Kivshan“ ab dem 09. September.
