Du betrachtest gerade PAGAN ALTAR – `Saints and Sinners´ vom neuen „Never Quite Dead“ Album der Kult Metaller

PAGAN ALTAR – `Saints and Sinners´ vom neuen „Never Quite Dead“ Album der Kult Metaller

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Die bereits 1978 gegründeten PAGAN ALTAR kündigen ihr neues Album „Never Quite Dead“ für den 25. April an und präsentieren als erste Auskopplung den Albumopener ‚Saints And Sinners‘ samt Videoclip. Zuletzt hatte die Band 2017 das Langeisen „The Room of Shadows“ auf den Markt gebracht. Am Mikro ist nun Sänger Brendan Radigan zu hören.

Gitarrist Alan Jones, Sohn des 2015 an Krebs verstorbenen Gründungsmitglieds Terry Jones:

„“Saints & Sinners” was the last song Pagan Altar was working on before the band split way back in 1984. My father, and original Pagan Altar singer, Terry, had got the chorus down but was not happy with the verses. He had something down, but would have changed it at some point! The song was forgotten for years before I found it on an old tape around 2003 and reworked it so he could have another go. We would have added it to [2004’s] Lords of Hypocrisy, but once again, we forgot about it!“


Die „Never Quite Dead“-Trackliste:

1. Saints And Sinners
2. Liston Church
3. Madame M’Rachel
4. Madame M’Rachel’s Grave
5. Well Of Despair
6. The Dead’s Last March
7. Westbury Express
8. Kismet