You are currently viewing Old School Thrasher UNDER THE OAK – ‘Hymn For The Fallen‘ Clip

Old School Thrasher UNDER THE OAK – ‘Hymn For The Fallen‘ Clip

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Auch in Norwegen lebt der Thrash-Underground. Zum Beispiel in Form von UNDER THE OAK, die den schnörkellosen und ehrlichen old school Song ‘Hymn For The Fallen‘ vom aktuellen Album „Ripped Up By The Roots“ als Video veröffentlicht haben.

Die Thrasher erklären:

“The video/song is about how we all fall from time to time, and it involves some pretty impressive acting from the band members. Well, maybe not true that last part, but the video is part serious, part humorous…just as we like it. Life is serious business, of course, but if you take it too seriously all the time, it becomes boring and tedious… We like to entertain and have fun with our music. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we are very serious about our music. We would like to extend our eternal thanks to those of you who enjoyed “Ripped up by the Roots”. We hope you’ll enjoy this video just as much.“
