You are currently viewing NOCTEM  – `Credo Certe Ne Cras` vom kommenden Album

NOCTEM – `Credo Certe Ne Cras` vom kommenden Album

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Die iberische Black/Death Crew NOCTEM wird am 28. Oktober ihren neuen Longplayer “Credo Certe Ne Cras“ veröffentlichen und streamt das Video zum Titeltrack.



I have been devoured by grey cities.

Sterile gardens of empty creeds builded in faith,

extirpated confessions from children’s lips to expire sins,

raw sermons against depraved souls to exalt the crowds.


I abhor you! with your frozen souls like stormy nights,

So empty, so fragile.


Throwing unfaithful praises, crowned in opulence, bowing the lightweight souls.

Apostles of torment, eunuchs of god, disciples of divine shame.

In a fleeting existence, with the empty hands and frozen hearts,

praising with holy postures.


„Maledictus paupers spiritu qui confidit in domino,

benedictus vir qui confidit in Satana“


I walked through your sharp cliffs of poisoned hearts and fragile minds,

I have sought thy precepts and I have forgotten them,

I visited your dark vaults of nailed men,

I was hearing your spiteful chants full of hate.