Du betrachtest gerade NERVOSA – Bassistin Mia Wallace verkündet Ausstieg

NERVOSA – Bassistin Mia Wallace verkündet Ausstieg

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Die brasilianischen Death-Thrash Ladies von NERVOSA scheinen besetzungstechnisch nicht so recht zur Ruhe zu kommen. Nach dem die neue Schlagzeugerin Nanu Villalba nur äußerst kurz an Bord war und Ende Januar auch Frontfrau DIVA SATANICA überraschend die Band verlassen hatte, verkündet nun Bassistin Mia Wallace aus persönlichen Gründen ihren Ausstieg.

Das Statement der Musikerin im Wortlaut:

It’s a difficult moment in my life.
I think almost everyone who is close to me can relate to this.
I can’t do what I love most: touring and living for music, simply this, a lot of stuff happened and I’m stuck in this situation.
My heart is full of sadness for this situation but in all honesty I can’t make people stand in a limbo because of my situation.
That’s why I can’t be part of Nervosa like I did before, I can’t make Prika wait for me forever, there’s an upcoming album and a lot of new events.
What I can do is be thankful for all the exciting experiences Nervosa gave to my life and when it’s possible for me, do spot concerts.
I’m totally supportive for Prika, she is not only my band mate, she is also one of my best friend.
That’s why this decision is so bloody difficult for me.
But life is evil and sometimes you have to put down your head and do what you can to survive.
I’ll always be a musician, I’ll be again on stage. But I need to slow down…
I hope you all will understand.
After 24 years I need to slow down…
Love, Mia
Titelfoto: Sven Bernhardt