You are currently viewing MÚR – Cold Industrial Metaller stellen `Frelsari` vor

MÚR – Cold Industrial Metaller stellen `Frelsari` vor

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MÚR stammen aus dem kalten Island und das hört man ihrer Musik auch an, die irgendwo in der Nähe von dunklen Industriallastigen Metalsounds a la harte Devin Townsend, Pain und einem Hauch von Sepulturavibe angesiedelt ist. `Frelsari` folgt auf die erste Video-Single `Heimsslit`, die beide von ihrem selbstbetitelten Debütalbum stammen, das am 22. November herauskommt.

MÚR kommentieren `Frelsari`:

’Frelsari’ is one of our more powerful, but also more conventionally structured songs, exploring themes of blind faith, giving up control, and the illusions of liberation. The music video is an animation our frontman made in his teens, which seems to harmonize well with the themes of this song, written years later.”




Stígur af himnum óskiljanleg vera

Ber feigð í fjöðrum sér

Þverrifur gapa, ótal glyrnur okkur eygja

Loforð um betri tíð


Múgurinn bætir sitt ráð

Gefur sig æðri mætti á vald

Augljóst hvað tekur við



Blindan mér veitir sjón

Frelsar mig

Prísund Orðsins mín harmabót



Skrúðganga í nafni verndarengils dauðans

Gleðiefni drottnarans

Óhlýðinn lýður syrgir brotna drauma

Vægðarlaus járnkrumlan kreppt



Blindan mér veitir sjón

Frelsar mig

Prísund Orðsins mín harmabót





An unfathomable being descends from above

Its moribund plumage revealed

Mouths agape, uncountable piercing eyes

Promises of better times


The mob improves its lot

Gives itself up to a higher power

It is plain what comes next



Blindness gives me sight

Liberates me

The prison of the Word is my comfort



Parade in the name of the angel of death

The tyrant’s delight

Disobedient masses lament broken dreams

The relentless iron fist is clenched



Blindness gives me sight

Liberates me

The prison of the Word is my comfort
