MUNROE’S THUNDER, das Projekt des neuen Vicious Rumors Sängers Ronny Munroe, hat am Wochenende das Album „The Black Watch“ veröffentlicht und streamt als zweite Auskopplung den Track `Dead Man’s War` als Video. Stilistisch ist der Song, wie auch die erste Single `Echoes Of The Dead´ im US Power bis Heavy Metal angesiedelt
Der Mainman, der auch durch Metal Church und das Trans Siberian Orchestra bekannt ist kommentiert:
„MUNROE’S THUNDER, The Black Watch, is loosely based on my family heritage, as some of my ancestors were actually in the black watch who guarded Mary, Queen Of Scots. Finding that out intrigued me enough to do a concept record about my family heritage.
After a very long wait, this record is finally finished and ready for you all to hear. I am very proud and elated by all the hard work that went into it, from the hours of research to the countless hours from DMP behind the board and all the remarkable talent that is on the album. Thank you so much to Jon and the team at RFL Records for having faith in our vision and for finally bringing MUNROE’S THUNDER to the masses.“ “