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MORBID ANGEL – Ein Toter und 28 Verletzte bei Konzert in Illinois

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Laut dem Bericht des ABC 7 Chicago Senders brach gestern, am 31. März, das Dach des Apollo Theater in Belvidere, Illinois zusammen. Kurz danach hätten MORBID ANGEL auf die Bühne gehen sollen. Durch den Zusammenbruch, der offenbar durch einen Tornado ausgelöst wurde, starb ein Konzertbesucher und  wenigstens 28 wurden verletzt. Fünf davon schwer. Videomaterial des Senders seht ihr unten.

MORBID ANGEL schrieben auf gestern Abend auf Facebook:

„due to a Tornado that hit the Venue, and caused the roof, over the area in-front of the stage , and marquee to collapse. We ask anyone who is still traveling to the venue to please seek shelter and stay safe,“ the band added. „We are currently sheltering in place, and want to extend our support and hope that everyone at the show tonight is safe.
Right now our focus is on making sure everyone in the venue tonight is ok and gets home.“

inzischen ist ein Statement von MORBID ANGEL erschienen, in dem sie ihr ihr Mitgefühl gegenüber den Opfern der Tragödie ausdrücken:

„On behalf of Morbid Angel, we want to first and foremost send our deepest and heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the individual who tragically lost their life last night in the venue roof collapse due to heavy winds from a Tornado.
We lost a brother in Metal last night, and many were hurt and injured in this tragedy. We would like to express how truly thankful we are for those in attendance (Fans, Venue Staff, Bands and Crew) that assisted with getting people out and to safety. We want to thank the First responders (Fire, EMT, Police) that were on the scene quickly and were able to help in getting people out of the venue and to hospitals for treatment as quickly as possible.
At this time our minds continue to remain with all those who were injured and hospitalized, as well as everyone who was effected by the storms in the surrounding area. We truly hope for a fast recovery of all who were injured.
As a result of the events of last night, we are working to re-scheduling tonight’s show in Joliet, IL to Wednesday April 5th. With that said, our focus remains with the Victims of this terrible storm.“
