You are currently viewing MERCENARY – Neue Single `Beyond the Waves` im Clip

MERCENARY – Neue Single `Beyond the Waves` im Clip

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Dänemarks MERCENARY veröffentlichen heute die finale Single ihres „Soundtrack for the End Times“ Albums, das zehn Jahre ohne Veröffentlichung beendete. Für das über siebenminütige `Beyond the Waves` haben sich die Herren ein nautisch angelegtes Computergeneriertes Video ausgedacht.

Gitarrist Jakob Mølbjerg erzählt über den Track und den Clip:
„This last single is a fierce and epic son of a bitch! With a playtime of 7.13 it plunges down through a progressive musical exploration of darkness, heaviness and crushing melancholy unusual even for our standards, while dealing with humanity’s inevitable confrontation with the consequences of our own cultural parasitism and our constant efforts of furthering our own place, regardless of the costs – even if the cost ends up being our gradual demise at the hands of natural catastrophes or our own existential redundancy in modern society. Speaking to that topic, an AI-fueled video was naturally the perfect performative paradox of our blossoming dependency on and inevitable exploration of technology, with all the dangers and pitfalls it entails. We hope you’ll all enjoy this perfect „Soundtrack For The End Times“.
