You are currently viewing Melodic Metal auf modern: OFF THE CROSS – ‘Exist‘ Video

Melodic Metal auf modern: OFF THE CROSS – ‘Exist‘ Video

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Am 29 April erscheint “ Enjoy It While It Lasts”, die zweite Veröffentlichung der belgischen (Melodic) Metaller OFF THE CROSS, die trotz gelegentlichen Einsatzes von Pianos, Orgeln, Chöre und Synths vor alle durch die Screams, ihre gesunde Härte behalten.

Bassist Kurt Hermans zur Single :

„The theme in ‚EXIST‘ appears a little prophetic for a song written and recorded before the pandemic hit us, but most of all we want to put things in perspective and have fun. With this song and video we show that we don’t want to take things too seriously, least of all ourselves.“
