You are currently viewing MASTER DY – Power/Heavy Metaller veröffentlichen ‘You Are Not Alone’ Single

MASTER DY – Power/Heavy Metaller veröffentlichen ‘You Are Not Alone’ Single

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Die Underground Power – Heavy Metaller MASTER DY aus Portugal veröffentlichen dieser Tage ihre neue Single ‘You Are Not Alone’ von ihrem Anfang des Jahres veröffentlichtem “Unknown Sound“ Album via bandcamp. Freunde von weiblichen Vocals und  anständig Metal-Sounds sollten reinhören.

[bandcamp width=100% height=120 track=2121881766 size=large bgcol=333333 linkcol=0f91ff tracklist=false artwork=small]


For a long time
I tried to understand my soul
I know I’m weird
I seemed to be a ghost

I never imagined
What I really was
It was a such a messed-up world
So I was reborn

Do you miss what you were?
Afraid to share
Don’t expect support from others
In Satan you have everything
That´s how I got it
It doesn’t have to end here

You are not alone
You are not wrong
You’re another demon
There are many like you

People always lie
But they just want to know
And spend the weekend
Talking about you

I can see in your eyes
And feel your soul
I came to guide, your lost soul

Do you miss what you were?
Afraid to share
Don’t expect support from others
In Satan you have everything
That´s how I got it
It doesn’t have to….

Do you miss what you were?
Afraid to share
And Feeling the deepest pain
I like your intensity
I open my arms
I’m the only that is really here.