Du betrachtest gerade LORDI – Monstermäßige `Retropolis´ Premiere

LORDI – Monstermäßige `Retropolis´ Premiere

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Die finnischen Rockmonster sind weiterhin im 80s Fieber und präsentieren mit `Retropolis´ die nächste Auskopplung ihres neuen Albums „Limited Deadition“. Der neue Studiodreher kommt am 21. März auf den Markt und beinhaltet auch die erste Single `Syntax Terror´.

Mr. Lordi rekapituliert wie folgt:

„This title nearly became the name of the album. This title would pretty much sum up the context of the album: Musically it’s all built around this main riff which was written by our guitar player Kone. It’s very ‚happy‘ sounding and has an almost U.D.O.’s ‚Faceless World‘ album style to it. I was thinking of how to best build a vocal line around it, without making it sound totally cliché. This would be the main riff, so the song kind of wrote itself. Lyric wise, it’s painting a picture of an 80ies feeling that shows like Knight Rider, Battlestar Galactica or Masters Of The Universe brought on. It’s a very visually inspired song, bringing back the cover art of Iron Maiden’s ‚Somewhere In Time‘ in my brain. It doesn’t really tell a story, it just gives off an overall 80ies post-apocalyptic vision in a way. That being said, I really miss those days. Everything was better back then… Everything was better in neon lights!!!“



In a nightmare within fantasy
Neon spider in a web of laser beams

Digital brain in control
Luminous brightening
Phosphorus lightning

Flashback fever in Retropolis
Past believers of Retropolis

A collective mind, electrical
Flesh puppets writhe on carbon tentacles

Blood of mercury
Twisting entropy


Photo Credit: Marek Sabogal

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