You are currently viewing LIVLØS – `Usurpers` zur Albumankündigung veröffentlicht

LIVLØS – `Usurpers` zur Albumankündigung veröffentlicht

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Die dänischen Death Metaller LIVLØS kündigen die dritte Full-Length Scheibe namens „The Crescent King“ an und streamen auch gleich den ersten Song `Usurpers`. Das vollständige Album soll am 04. Oktober die Anhänger des klassischen Death Metals begeistern, auch wenn der neue Song recht hart und zum Teil an Black Metal erinnernd, ausgefallen ist.





Upon this end of eventide a fateful plot ensued

The morbid usurpation of the throne

Silently they slither to commit the grievous sin

In regicidal ritual, they raise their blades as the bloodshed begins


Spewed out by the swirling abyss

They peered through the windowpanes with bittersweet bliss

Unto a realm unknown

Still the King’s path to paradise was filled with loss

Faith yet remained, but who was to bear the cross?

A seed of doubt sown in the least devout


Bathed in black, they converge as darkness falls

In a clandestine congregation

Foul usurpers, all


Upon this end of eventide a fateful plot ensued

The morbid usurpation of the throne

Silently they slither to commit the grievous sin

In regicidal ritual, they raise their blades as the bloodshed begins


It festered midst the colony

A pustule of apostasy


In search of hearth and haven

They scoured this system of solar twins

And the foreign worlds within

Each one bewitching to witness

Yet these lands were not as foretold

A terrifying truth dawned on their souls


Through pyroclastic torrents and lakes of rot

Desolate monolith forests with leviathans ruling the storms above

Planets aplenty in this cursed realm

All unfit for man to dwell


Bathed in black, they converge as darkness falls

In a clandestine congregation

Foul usurpers, all


They trusted in his guiding light

With naught but death to show

Upon this fatal fall of night

His last breath, they shall bestow


Upon this end of eventide a fateful plot ensued

The morbid usurpation of the throne

Silently they slither to commit the grievous sin

In regicidal ritual, they raise their blades to kill the king


Fiercely the daggers descend like guillotines

Drowning the sheets in sanguine streams

Petrified as the chamber abruptly comes alight

They gaze into the martyr’s impostrous bloodshot eyes


Forced to their knees

Sentenced to die by the king’s decree

Left to suffocate in the cruel vacuum of space


Photo Credit:  Nikolaj Bransholm


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