Du betrachtest gerade LEPER COLONY –  Marc Grewe & Rogga Johansson streamen `Creature From The Deep`

LEPER COLONY – Marc Grewe & Rogga Johansson streamen `Creature From The Deep`

LEPER COLONY, das von Marc Grewe und Rogga Johansson angeführte Old School Death Metal Outfit hat sein zweites Album „Those Of The Morbid für den 11. April in Aussicht   gestellt. Nach `Facing The Faceless` ist heute der zweite good old Horror Death Song `Creature From The Deep` erschienen.

Gitarrist Rogga Johansson schreibt:

„Well, a full on Neanderthal groove is never wrong, if you ask me. And this is what you get as ‚Creature From The Deep‘ opens, before moving into old school death metal territory. Heaviness is the trademark of this song and it has the perfect lyrics to go with it. The mighty megalodon hasn’t had enough death metal lyrics made about it yet. By the way, when was the last time that you heard a jaw harp in a death metal song?“





A shadow beneath the surface

something breaks the waves

no one can be saved

slaughter has come to be


A movement deep below

circling what’s above

waiting for the time to strike

jaws of utter death


Creature from the deep

ancient hunter

always moving deadly

creature of the deadly depths


Chewing bone and gristle

ripping limbs from limbs

nothing will remain

after the bloody feast


Archaic is the being

that sweeps the depths

never sleeping never resting

always seeking prey


The skies turn black

As the oceans churn

(The) sailors scream in the night

As their bodies burn

Torn asunder by claws unseen

As the beast haunts their deepest dreams