Heute am Freitag, den 14. Februar erscheint die neue und zehnte Langrille, “Sleepless Empire“, von LACUNA COIL Zur Veröffentlichung stellen die Dark Metal Größen ihre neue digitale Single `Wish You Were Dead` ajetzt auch als Video vor..
Die Band schreibt zum Song:
“We all have this person we wish never existed, right? We all felt the need to erase the same person from our thoughts, someone who hurt us that it’s still in our mind. We wanted to write heavier lyrics on a happier musical canvas. Also we are a little tired of being politically correct at all costs…”
“Sleepless Empire captures, through our eyes, the chaos of a generation trapped in a digital world that never stops, where social media consumes identity and every day pushes us one step closer to becoming soulless zombies. We find ourselves in between, having witnessed a full analogic world and the modern one, confronting the evolution and searching for a true meaning of it all. Throughout every song, the journey is an undercurrent of rebellion, a desperate cry to reclaim oneself in an era that seems to have lost its sense of time and reality.”
Im Spätherbst beigennen LACUNA COIL, dann auch ihre „Sleepless Empire“ Tour.
Trackliste Sleepless Empire:
1 The Siege
2 Oxygen
3 Scarecrow
4 Gravity
5 I Wish You Were Dead
6 Hosting The Shadow (feat. Randy Blythe)
7 In Nomine Patris
8 Sleepless Empire
9 Sleep Paralysis
10 In The Mean Time (feat. Ash Costello)
11 Never Dawn
Photo Credit: Marta Petrucci