Die L.A. GUNS haben die Veröffentlichung ihres neuen Stdioalbums “Leopard Skin“ auf den 04. April terminiert und präsentieren nach dem Video zur dreckig rockigen Vorabauskopplung `Taste It` den nächsten Track `Lucky Motherf*cker´ in einer massentauglichen cleanen Version.
Gründungsmitglied/Gitarrist Tracii Guns erklärt:
“The song title ‘Lucky Motherfucker’ kinda says it all. Because I don’t know how many other bands that have been around almost 40 years are still out there not just touring consistently, but putting out records consistently, and the thing just keeps getting bigger and bigger from year to year. So the work ethic is yielding what it’s supposed to, you know what I mean? The fans stay excited, we stay excited, and we keep making records. And as long as we have that opportunity and there’s a place for this music in the world, there’s no reason to ever stop. There’s the saying, ‘a leopard never changes its spots. But even so, they have a million different spots. And they’re all unique. It’s the same with L.A. Guns. We can’t shed our Leopard Skin, but there’s a lot of different spots in this band.”