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KK’S PRIEST: Debut Album in Arbeit

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K.K. Downing, Mitbegründer und jahrzehntelanger Gitarrist von JUDAS PRIEST hat zusammen mit anderen Ex-Mitgliedern Tim „Ripper“ Owens und Drummer Les Binks (1977 – 1979) KK’S PRIEST gegründet. A.J. Mills (HOSTILE) und Bassist Tony Newton (VOODOO SIX) komplettieren das Line-up von KK’S PRIEST.
War seine Rückkehr auf die Bühne und das Musikbusiness nach seiner Trennung von JUDAS PRIEST im Jahr 2011 lange noch zweifelhaft, ist sein „Comeback“ jetzt definitiv klar. Die Recordings für das Debut Album scheinen weitgehend abgeschlossen, allerdings stünden der Endmix und das Mastering noch aus.


Auf Downings KK’S PRIEST Webseite ist zu lesen:

„Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to check in to say a big hello from myself and the band!
We are now just waiting for studio facilities to re-open in order to mix and master the album.
We are incredibly excited and totally ready for the launch of what we consider to be an exceptional and important record; we sincerely hope that you will agree!
Although we are all enduring frustration in so many ways, we have to stay positive and patient, and hope that the live venues will soon be active again. It is our intention to be able to play for you as soon as we possibly can. We did have some festivals booked this year but understandable they had to be cancelled this time around, but rest assured management is talking with the agents and promoters to reschedule and we will be first in line to offer up our availability to promoters all around the world.
Our thoughts and sympathy are with everyone and their associated families and friends that have been victims or have directly suffered from this terrible virus, let’s stay strong and supportive together so that we can beat this world crisis into submission.
I’m sure that you will all join us in saying a massive thank you to all medical and associated institutions for their hard work and bravery in the front line of this battle, as without them the cause would surely be lost.
For now, stay safe, we will all be together again soon at a venue near you, for some great classic and new metal.“


Zukünftige KK’S PRIEST Shows sollen eine Mischung aus JUDAS PRIEST Klassikern und neuem Material darstellen, sodass der Metal-Pionier sein 50. Karrierejubiläum hoffentlich auch live feiern und die großen Erwartungen erfüllen kann.