You are currently viewing KATAKLYSM – ‘Cut Me Down‘ Clip

KATAKLYSM – ‘Cut Me Down‘ Clip

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“Unconquered“, das vierzehnte Album der Kanadier ist gestern erschienen: Zeitgleich das Video zu ‘Cut Me Down‘.

Maurizio Iacono über den Track:

“’Cut Me Down‘ is a melodic, high octane assault, with thrash elements and relentless power, showcasing another angle of our new album, Unconquered, which is released today! The lyrical idea of this song is being surrounded by someone whose sole purpose is betraying and taking advantage of you, I lived with this type of scenario around me many times. Luckily for me, I trust no one. I did however trust Tuomas Saukkonen of Wolfheart to come and give a hand on the song and rip through the chorus with me as a special guest!“

